Minggu, 06 Februari 2011

Discussing the timber, environmental services, water, biodiversity, and carbon absorption, related to forest resources is very common and documented information neatly. But to explore bees, honey, forests, conservation of watershed areas (DAS), and adaptation to climate change, surely represents a "new stuff" that causes a desire to know and want to read what the idea and implementation of these ideas at the field level .
Etnoekology explicitly understood as an order of an ethnic culture that ensures the ongoing processes of production, consumption, and distribution of benefits, for the sustainability of these resources and ethnic diversity. Group Batulanteh forest is a source of spring water for the people of Sumbawa, the source of bee forage because many nectar-producing trees, carbon sequestration that affect climate stability. Because the forest is useful as a place to live honey bees, and in turn honey is harvested for revenue sources, the people in the village Batudulang and participate in, maintain, and utilize their forest resources. This is the key to forest management principled social forestry (social forestry), namely forest "benefits" to the social, cultural, and economic communities. The most fundamental principle has long been ignored by the forestry business actors in developing countries, including Indonesia.
Learning to read nature wisely, learn the relationship between people and forests, must produce the symbolic meanings of the interaction of society and the forest. Symbolic meaning of the object called "honey" is one "drug" for certain diseases. The second symbolic meaning is that "honey bee" symbol of cleanliness of the soul.
The book is worth reading by lecturers, students, NGO activists, forestry practitioners, and government. Honey in the book provides its own sheen, and wrapped by the power of "trust" and "networking" strong as social capital society Batudulang Village.

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